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The Graffiti Machine

Jul 22, 2023

For episode 100, I wanted to bring back a full conversation that Kub and I had. This episode was a the one that really set what we're doing in motion. I wish he was here in person for this, but we have a mission and we will just keep pushing forward.

— Bus

Jul 11, 2023

If I woke up one day, and there was litterly nothing to worry about—business is running perfectly, no problems to solve at all—I think that would be much more conerning than how life normally is. There's always a problem to solve, always some adversity to get passed.

If everything was good and there were none of...

Jul 4, 2023

Sometimes it can feel like we’re all in, or all out. Slip off your program in any area of life, and things start heading in the all out direction. Every now and then a season of all in commitment, very little “balance” can help to get the momentum going.

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