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The Graffiti Machine

May 30, 2023

When we think of mind control, we may think of it as some kind of science fiction shit, but if you really think about it, we allow people to control our minds all the time.
If someone says something that offends you, you might get pissed and let thoughts grow like weeds in your mind. Some people can spend hours,...

May 24, 2023

An interesting concept to ponder is our identity. If asked who we are, we might respond with our name, occupation, hobby, or another label we've chosen to identify ourselves with. However, in reality, none of these things truly represent us. Some argue that even the voice in our heads isn't truly us; rather, we are...

May 10, 2023

There is a balance between urgency and patience when it comes to working towards your own true potential. Urgency keeps you motivated until things take longer than you expected. That's where patience comes in. Losing patience can sap motivation and you'll lose your urgency. Balancing the two can be the answer...

May 2, 2023

There isn't anything in your life that is permanent. Every single thing you do, there will be a last time you do it. The last time you pet your dog, the last time you go to your favorite restaurant, even the last time you breathe. Given that we never know when that last time will be, it is vital that we learn to...