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The Graffiti Machine

Aug 30, 2024

This episode dives into the concept of doing the work for its own sake, drawing inspiration from Steven Pressfield's The War of Art. It emphasizes the importance of showing up every day and committing fully to the task at hand, regardless of the outcome. Whether it's sweeping floors, building a business, or pursuing...

Aug 23, 2024

I got the guy's name wrong in the video, it's Jim Rohn. I saw a clip of his video that talked about resolve defined as keeping the promise to yourself to never quit. It got me thinking about a bunch of different things along these lines.

Aug 19, 2024

Running a graffiti supply business, I frequently get asked for free products in exchange for exposure. The problem? 99.9% of the time, the person asking hasn’t put in the work to make the exchange mutually beneficial. They haven’t built a following substantial enough to make a real impact.
The lesson here is...

Aug 2, 2024

If hearing about other people's wins makes us feel bad about our own position, it could be a sign of a scarcity mindset. There seems to be something in us that, when we see others winning, we feel like it may take away from us.
This mindset may be a remnant from early human days when resources were harder to come by....